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Monday, October 25, 2010


Armored is about a guy, and another guy who are friends, and they work with some more guys for an armored car service. The Captain is played by Fred Ward, and funny enough he is the low man on the totem pole in this particular cast. Matt Dillon, Jean Reno, Larry Fishburne, and Skeet Ulrich and "Sucre" from TV's Prisonbreak round out the cast with a special appearance by Milo (Peter Patrelli) Ventimiglia. The main character, Ty, is in jeopardy of losing his home, and his little brother to social services if he can't turn around his income situation. His best friend, Dillon, does everything he can to help his buddy in need. Dillon and his crew, are apparently tired of risking their lives to protect other peoples money, so they come up with a plan to get rich quick without even being suspected. I think they got the plan from the great fictional character Walter Sobchak and I quote, "She probably kidnapped herself, Dude." They apply this logic to their heist, and as it's has been planned perfectly and all members of the team are on board, Ty is the only one uneasy about this. He is the Rookie and doesn't know these guys as well as his buddy, who has logged 10+ years of service. When Ty finally agrees, the plan is a go. What could go wrong? Hmmm, EVERYTHING!! It got very poor ratings, and I know why. It's a generic story with a new cast, and a new score, but I will admit, I liked it. Short and action packed to the very end, it never slowed down and wrapped up when it should have. It didn't have endless scenes to make it a little longer. It's done and done.....credits.

NBM rates Armored - Awesome

Buy Your Copy Today


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