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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pearl Harbor

I saw this epic in the theaters all those years ago, yet A-Bomb watched it for the first time recently. I enjoyed it when I first saw it, and so did he. My point? He had to listen to the haters for 9 years and still was able to enjoy it. Even though it has a running time over 3 hours it still keeps my attention when it is on. It's a good fictional story behind one of America's darkest days in history. It got ripped apart by RT only receiving 26% positive votes. This I don't get. I do think Critics love to hate Michael Bay, and if his name is attached in any way, shape, or form they go into his films anticipating they will hate it. I love Michael Bay. He delivers big bangs and loudness unmatched by any other director. He has his vision of what Hollywood represents and is unrelenting when it comes to doing things over the top. This was one of Ben Affleck's better performances, but he had help from an all star cast including Josh Hartnett, Alec Baldwin, Kate Beckinsale, and Jon Voight as President Roosevelt. It is long, but doesn't feel never ending. I remember when it came out on DVD it was one of the longest films to be released at that point, yet I have to turn the disc over halfway thru the film. This always cracked me up, because DVD's are capable of so much storage, why wasn't it used to it's full potential. Anyway, Epics have a funny way of being white hot or ice cold. Think about it. Titanic=Huge success, while Pearl Harbor released less than 4 years later and Bubkiss, nada, zip. Gladiator and Braveheart win big at Oscar time, but Australia and Troy seem like they don't exist. All good films, but majority speaks pretty loudly. I do like films about history, and films about fiction. When these two aspects are combined, it seems to really piss people off, yet I cannot remember the last film with these two characteristics I didn't care for. Pearl Harbor is solid and it stands on it's own. If you haven't spent 3 hours yet to watch it, I doubt you ever will, but if you do, I hope you enjoy it.

NBM rates Pearl Harbor - Awesome on the upper end, close to Phenomenal

Buy Your Copy Today


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