The Facebook

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Simple. Someone told me recently that they had heard this was the best movie of the year that never got released. I agree with that statement. This film does a great job of making film seem like reality. It thrust the viewers into an uncomfortable situation no matter your politics. It shows the two sides of America. The America that does "what is necessary" to get results in a hurry, and then there is the side that try and protect human rights, even though the particular human may be the cause of 6 million American deaths. Good vs Evil. Sam plays "H", a CIA non existent knee breaker, brought into a situation that needs immediate results. Carrie Ann Moss plays the local Fed that knows in her heart everything "H" is doing is wrong and unethical, but she cannot stop it. She is forced to be in a situation she wants nothing to do with. Unfortunately, This particular prisoner has placed 3 nukes in 3 major cities. Our investigators have 3 days to get addresses or, well, BOOM! Truth is, what side of the line do you stand on? 6 million lives or 1 life. Torture for results, or police work that takes 10 times longer. These are the moral dilemma's Carrie Ann must face throughout. Will this film change the way you think about human life? I doubt it, but it makes the whole situation real. Well, more real. It closes the gap on our separation from foreign affairs, and puts us front and center with a situation we may have an opinion on, except this time it directly involves America. In our minds, we think all are created equal, and no one deserves to be treated like this. If it affected 6 Million Americans, where would you stand? Would you do whatever is necessary, or would you stand on the sideline and let innocent people die? This movie does not dance around a subject that most people put on their blinders about, and it delivers with reverence and sincerity. I highly recommend everyone watch it at least once.

NBM rates Unthinkable - Phenomenal

Buy Your Copy Today


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