Having a huge teenage crush on Sandra Bullock, I watched every movie she did. When The Net came out we did not have TV service in my house, and the internet didn't really exist. It may have, but home computers were over $1000 and no one really had them at the time. We lived in a small N.C. town with nothing to do, so we would drive to the big city and catch a movie. The Net had just come out, and I had no idea what it was about, but with Bullock blazened on the one sheet outside the theater, it was a no brainer what I was gonna watch. It blew me away. The action, and drama, and the introduction of computer nerds. It revolves around a lady, Bullock, who is almost killed while on vacation, because of some info she has obtained through a program. Once back in the states, she goes home only to find her house for sale, and no one recognizes her. She was a bit of a recluse, which works to the advantage of the baddies. They completely stole her identity, and to top it off, they gave her a police record, which made her look like a druggie. They only two people who can verify who she is, is her mother, and her ex-shrink / ex-lover. Her mother has Alzheimer's, so that doesn't help, and the shrink (Dennis Miller), is about to save the Day. He meets up with her and is gonna set everything right, until he ends up in the hospital. It was nothing serious, but when his chart is "mixed up" he is given a lethal dose of a drug he is highly allergic to. Now he is no help. I always new I liked it, but A-Bomb really put it into perspective. He once asked me what the scariest movie ever was. I thought, The Shining, or Blair Witch. He said, "Nope, the Net. I never really thought of it as scary, but it is. This movie was made before the internet ran rampant in coffee shops and fast food restaurants. Identity theft really was more of a fictional thing back in 1994, but now it is extremely real. That's what makes The Net terrifying. Great movie, great story, and a young Sandra Bullock.
NBM rates The Net - Awesome
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