This is a very special review that I would like to dedicate to the lovely Stacey S. That's too obvious, we'll call her S. Smetana. First off I would like to say that Stacey HAS NOT scene this film. I will try to be discreet with my references, because I do not want to give it all away. I really hope I can convince her to watch it with my astounding review. This movie is easily in my Top 20 movies you must watch before you die category. If you've seen it, you already know why.This is considered a Fairy tale, but it is so much more than that. It is narrated by the wonderful Peter Falk, as he reads the story aloud to his ailing grandson, played by Fred Savage. It is a great story based on "Wuv, twu wuv." It has so many aspects and characters stuffed into one movie, yet it is not at all convoluted. It follows the young Westley, who loves the dashing Buttercup, (Robin Wright's first role ever) and the struggles they face as the news reaches her of her Loves demise. The real fun begins when The Dread Pirate Roberts, accused of killing Westley, Comes to rescue Buttercup from her kidnappers. The Dread Pirate Roberts must face the 3 villainous kidnappers who travel together to get back Buttercup, and keep her safe. Fezzik The Giant, (Andre the Giant), the swordsman, Inigo Montoya, and The Sicilian who can't be outsmarted.(INCONCEIVABLE!! You know what tone I said that in my head just now, don't you?) Each one he faces individually, and each battle, whether physical or mental, brings so much humor and action to the screen. The Giant has a strange mentality towards good sportsmanship when battling the Man in Black, and the swordsman sole journey through life is find the 6 fingered man who killed his father. This movie introduces us to the fire swamp, full of flame burst from the ground, sink holes disguised by sand, and an angry population of ROUS'. When I was in 7th grade, my drama teacher proclaimed that the sword fight between the Man in Black, aka The Dread Pirate Roberts, aka Westley, and Inigo Montoya was one of the best sword fights in the history of cinema, both for its physicality and its choreography. Every time I watch it, I can't help but to think about that and to this day I compare every sword fight to that one. The Sicilian doesn't have a whole lot a back story, except for the fact he is a self proclaimed genius, which turns into one hilarious dialogue driven scene, unfortunately he does not have a strong threshold for Iocane powder. Billy Crystal, in loads of make-up, explains the different levels of "dead" (Hilarious), and soon enough everyone's enemy becomes the evil Prince Humperdink, Buttercups Fiance'. Alliance's are altered, plans are put in place, and eventually it comes down to Prince Humperdink and The Dread Pirate Roberts as they decide to fight to the "Pain". So many classic characters, classic lines, and visually stunning visuals. Will twu wuv conquer all? I sure hope so. This is another one of those movies that I cannot pass up if its on TV. I must finish it, whether it just came on, or its about to get over. I have probably seen it over a hundred times in its 23 year existence. (That's over 4 times per year) As for you, Mrs. Stacey, I am asking you personally to devote 1 hour and 38 minutes to this film. No excuses. All I need you to say is," As You Wish".
NBM rates The Princess Bride as A Work of Cinematic Art. Thank You Rob Reiner for bringing this to us 23 years ago.
P.S. Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the post.
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