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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Away We Go

I knew this film would be great, but I had no idea the level of greatness it would reach. This is one the most endearing movies about a single couple I have ever seen. Released in 2009, it only made 9 million dollars, so I'm sure none of you have seen it. It follows a young couple on a journey through life. John Krasinski (Jim Halpert from TV's "The Office") and SNL's Maya Rudolph are a young couple who have been together for some time, and are more than likely life partners. They are unmarried, but not for reasons you may not think. It's way more in depth than that. One day they realize they are preggers. YEAHHHH! This leads them into the tormenting challenge of figuring out where they want to raise their family. They are perfectly happy where they are until his hippie, professor like parents decide to spend two years elsewhere. This change in plans leads them to change their plans. They begin going cross country to areas where they already have friends or family. They study every situation to decide who they would like to be near. The road trip aspect is hilarious in itself, but some of these people they have to spend time with will blow your mind. What I like about it is it feels real. The people and their characteristics seem very genuine and I'm sure we all know a few people like them. It was good to see Krasinski in a role very out of his normal realm. He nailed it both dramatically and comically. With great small performances by Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jim Gaffigan, and the always great Jeff Daniels, this movie turns into independent film gold. It is rated R for language, but I feel it had to be. Some of these situations called for strong language. Like I said, it felt real. The opening scene is a love scene of sorts, but not the traditional Hollywood style. More like the reality style. It's too funny to explain and would not come off as good in written form. This is a must see film. It is a quest for stability that takes them to a place so unexpected it's perfect. And remember, Strollers are the devil. To understand that line, go watch the movie. When trying to categorize this film I am torn between Romance and Comedy, and Romantic Comedy, but I don't think any of these really hits it. I am inventing a new category and it is called "Life Like"

NBM rates Away We Go - Phenomenal

Buy Your Copy today



  1. I like your blog thanks for share........
    great information and Entertainment blog........

  2. Congrats and Hoping to see more......
    great to share.......
    Keep posting.......
