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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Foo Fighters : Back and Forth

So as a self proclaimed "Foo Fan" I was stoked to see this new 2 hour documentary about my favorite band and how the recording process of their most recent album "Wasting Light" went. Boy was I wrong about the content. I'm glad I was wrong, because it turns out it was an entire film documenting the entire history of the Foo. The first 20 minutes or so was strictly about Nirvana which I found very compelling. I guess the film focused more on Dave Grohl, and his journey through the Rock scene over the last 20 years, which makes sense, since Foo wouldn't exist without him. The footage of Nirvana was absolutely euphoric to me. It made me think about where they would be if Kurt hadn' know. Dave is famous for not talking about Kurt, but he opens up more than I've ever seen, and even 17 years later he still struggled talking about it. After this segment we get into how the Foo were started. It was really more of an accident than a purpose. Dave had to free his mind for life after Nirvana, so he laid down a few tracks, played all the instruments, and printed the cassette. He didn't know what he wanted to do with these new demo's, but after being invited to play with Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, he realized he did want his own band, so he turned down his idol for the unknown. Turns out he chose the hard path. He quickly put together the rest of his band and then they went. Its funny because Dave had Cred and $$ from the label due to Nirvana, but his new band mates hadn't had the same luck, so this turned out to be winning the music lottery to them. They went from playing shows for a few hundred to people to a few thousand. Dave really struggles with the fans in the beginning. They were mad at him and he didn't know why, but eventually he just stopped listening. It follows the trials and tribulations of each album and all the drama involved with said album. Their second album, "The Colour and the Shape", (their best album) almost didn't get made. Dave was struggling with his drummer, who he liked as a person, but he couldn't meet Dave's demand for what the drum tracks should sound like. How do you perform in front of the best drummer of all time and not feel the pressure? Either way, band members came and went because Dave couldn't get the formula right. He eventually does find what he's looking for, but with any long term relationship there will be bumps in the road. The band have had the best of times, but more worst of times and this film is a really honest look at the whole she-bang. What is scary for me with a film like this is the content. My favorite band of all time along with Dave, who I idolize could show me something that could possibly change my outlook on the whole thing. I have always heard the Mr. Grohl is the nicest man in rock and Roll, but I bet there are a few ex members that wouldn't agree. I think at times he would disagree as well. The one on one interview segments of the Documentary really shows Dave as open book filled with regret and even more remorse to the musicians he may have wronged in the name of perfection. The last 30 minutes really brings it home. It is about the newest album and how they decided to record it in analog on tape, which just seems tedious. It also shows the 40 year old "Fighters" with their families and kids which just cracks me up. Especially the scene when Dave is layin down a guitar riff and his daughter comes up to him poking him in the back. Its so real, and so funny. I appreciate the effort they constantly give to improving on their craft. I can also tell how much more loud and ragged the new album sounds compared to the previous ones. I love every second of every track. It also solidified my jealousy for my younger brothers for his back stage encounter where he met Dave and shook his hand. I would love to have a beer with that guy (Dave, not my brother...I hate that guy). I also had to listen to most of the albums today. It just got me in the "Foo Mood".

NBM rates Back and Forth - A Work of Cinematic Art
Buy it & the CD too!!!


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