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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Conspiracy Theory

So, I watched this again, for the hundreth time. I saw this noodle scratcher in the theater when it was released and seems to hold a very unannounced spot in my Top 25. It's so clever and brilliant, and for a movie about conspiracies, the writers really wrote a superb piece of fiction. You really would have to try very hard to screw up anything that involved Mel, Julia, and Patrick Stewart. Mel plays such a great crazy guy who keeps a lock on his refrigerator and individual containers inside it with locks on them. As if someone did want to break into your food hole, I think most people would give up on the coffee when faced with a second line of cold defense. He did however show all of us the best "free" security system ever. Upside down bottle on the door handle. Brilliant. Jerry (Gibson) is a bit of a stalker- not stalker- let's call him an obsessive shadower of Julia Roberts character (Alice ). As quirky as he seems, there is way more to him than anyone expects. Turns out he was trained to be an assassin by a secret non sanctioned agency. Patrick Stewart ran that agency and he needs to stop Jerry before his frazzled memory straighten's itself out. Alice's father was a federal judge in a high profile assassination case of Ezekial Carl Walters. 3 names. Ezekial was in the same program as Jerry and the Judge was killed for information he had. Soon it becomes "this is that" "he is who" and "what or who is truthful". Alice is in the middle of everything and though Jerry is nuts, she feels he is so honest, he must be telling the truth. Eventually the story gets straightened out and we see everyone for what they are. Jerry is so brilliant, yet his mind has been messed with for so long he has very little grip on reality. Anytime he gets "anxious" he must buy "The Catcher in the Rye" which is how he is tracked by the agency who created him. We also hear a brilliant thought process about assassin's names. Apparently if you succeed you are known by all 3 names. If you attempt, but fail you are downsized to First and Last only. Think about it. That's what this film gets me to do each and every time I watch it. I find it very hard to pass it up if its on. No matter if it is just starting or there is only 20 minutes left I have to watch it.

NBM rates Conspiracy Theory - Phenomenal

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