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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Star Trek (2009)

So, I am not a "Trekkie" by any means. In fact, until the name J.J. Abrams was attached I cared for the franchise very little. Origin stories are a bit of an anomole when it comes to successfully rebooting franchises. It could work great or could be a waste of everyone's time and money...viewers included. This was the opposite of waste. It actually got me into a franchise with loads of previous films to it's name. I don't necessarily like the older movies or anything like that, but I absolutely cannot wait for the next film in this particular series. I also really liked how they wrote a script that was so unique. It was in and of itself, a solo movie.  Essentially it was a bit of a stand alone film. One could go into it with no previous knowledge and enjoy everything about it. The casting was brilliant. I, being a hardcore Simon Pegg fan, loved him as Scotty. I wished he had more screen time, but when he was there, he was dynamic. This film took a completely different direction than the other films. It starts off with the ship Kirk is currently being born on, being attacked. His Father is put in charge and was considered a hero for all the lives he saved before sacrificing himself along with the ship. His Father is played by Chris Hemsworth who will be Thor this summer. This is not Kirk's destiny. His life is severly altered by the death of his Father. His Father's ship was actually destroyed by a ship from another world. It kind of takes the Dual Universe approach like the TV show Fringe (Best show on TV.) Kirk and Spock are not friends, and that's putting it nicely. Kirk is extremely behind from where he should be in the Starfleet program. When he finally does sign up, it is realized by most that he really is brilliant. Nero (Eric Bana) is the bad man going between universes destroying ships. He is out for revenge against Spock, but at the time the Starfleet is trying to stop him, Spock hasn't even done wrong by them yet. Timetravel can be confusing, but the film is done so well, the confusion is at a minimum. Either, Nemo is on a planet destroying rampage. He has a Red substance the turns anything into a black hole. He has already destroyed Spock's home planet, and next he is going after Earth. This leads to one of the coolest fight scenes in the movie, but I do feel the comedy of this film is what made it as enjoyable as it could be. Spock always sparring with Kirk. Kirk and Old Spock teaching Scotty stuff he hasn't yet invented, Chekov having trouble with the voice recognition program because of his thick accent, and Bones being the on board Doctor who is hilarious all the time. The movie is brilliant because it will single handedly open up the world of Star Trek to a whole new generation. I watched it again the other night and had forgotten how brilliant it really is. I also think Zachary Quinto as Spock is the absolute easiest casting decision ever, and I think he was born to play that role.

NBM rates Star Trek - Phenomenal

1 comment:

  1. Your review reminded me that I need to watch this movie again. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
