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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I know when I think of Zombie comedies, I immediately travel to England and hang out at The Winchester Tavern. As much as I wanna discuss that one, I must wait until my year is almost up. So, I am gonna go with the second best movie from that genre. This movie had to be clever, due to the overwhelming success of SOTD. I doubt any movie will ever be as good as that, but Z-Land comes close. Every genre bending new film has to have a catch. Z-Land had a great catch. The rules. Columbus (Eisenberg) has invented these "rules to live by." The Double Tap, and limber up are my faves. So, once again the world has been taken over by Zombies and the few humans left must band together to survive. All the characters go by names of the city they grew up in. Tallahassee (Harrelson) is the first person he meets. He finds him peculiar, but he is a good guy to have your back. He loves killing him some zombies. They become a pretty good team, but every time Tallahassee tries to find twinkies, it gets a little uncomfortable. Eventually they run into two ladies that happen to be con artists. Wichita (Stone) and Little Rock (Breslin) steal their guns and car, but at least grand theft auto doesn't exist anymore anyway, so they get another car and head on their way. The girls are delusional about civilization existing out west, so that's where they head. The boys just kind of meander across the country trying to be awarded kill of the week, while surviving Z-Land. As much as these 4 people didn't need each other, they found something in each other that made the Earthly Zombpocolypse that much easily to handle. The best part of the entire film involves indoor golf, a vacuum cleaner, Ghostbusters music and Bill Freakin' Murray. As if I could like the guy anymore, I now do like him just the wee slightest bit more. I know if you like funny movies and you can handle seeing the creepiest of clowns the Z-Land is for you. Trust me, CREEPIEST CLOWN EVER!!!!!!!

NBM rates Zombieland - Phenomenal

Buy It!!

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