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Friday, March 4, 2011

Space Cowboys

Another brilliant film that was Directed by Eastwood and starred him. Can he do no wrong? This is one of his funniest roles, and not known as the comedic type, that say something. It follows a NASA team who need to repair a tracking system up in space. The only problem is the system is 25 years old and is out dated unstudied technology. NASA has do the one thing they never wanted to. Ask Frank for help. Frank (Eastwood) was screwed over by NASA 40 years earlier, and from that point in his life, wanted very little to do with the organization. Problem is, he designed the tracking system and is the only one who knows how to fix it. Frank is old school, and must right his wrongs before he agrees to help NASA. That plus his old man spitefulness make him one guy no one wants to mess with. He and his team Hawk (Tommy Lee Jones), Jerry (Donald Sutherland), and Tank (James Garner) are his old buddies who have known him for 50 years. Frank's team were all trained and geared up for a space mission in the 1950's. They were pushed aside by NASA, who sent a monkey up instead. This did not sit well with Frank and for 40 years he has held onto it. Now that NASA needs his help, the tables have turned. He will help on one condition...he and his team (who are now in their 60's) get to go to space and do the mission themselves. Selfish? That's Frank. He can finally remedy the one regret he has in his life. Upon contacting Jerry and Tank the mission seems like a go. The only one he hasn't talked to is Hawk. He and Hawk had a bit of a falling out, and they do not like each other. After a bar fight Frank and Hawk make up and it is time to go into space finally. The one stipulation NASA has for them is they have to pass every single physical test given to the young NASA astronauts. These test are designed for 20 year old in prime physical condition, but these hard nosed rough necks won't be denied. This is the middle of the movie, when broken down would be considered the training portion. I also refer to it as the comedic portion. These old men getting in  fights with the youngster, and each other is awesome. Especially the bet that Frank and Hawk make with each other in the G-Force machine. "Whoever passes out first, buys the beer." The writing is brilliant, but the acting...come on, I mean these four legends in one place together. It doesn't get in better than that. The dialogue and cons these old codgers use to pass their tests are absolutely brilliant. This movie is such a rarity in today's film business, and with a run time of well over 2 hours it doesn't matter. Whether it's the first time or the fiftieth, it is always laugh out loud funny, and extremely enjoyable. The term "Instant Classic" always bugged me, but this one is most certainly that. Maybe it is because of the 100+ years of acting experience among the four leads alone. I think this movie is a look into what we, as men, would love to be like when we are in our 60's. By far one of the best space movies ever, and I highly recommend it to anyone with a pulse.

NBM rates Space Cowboys - Phenomenal

Buy It!!!

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