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Monday, March 14, 2011


I must admit to all of you that my love for movies is directly derived from my Mother. ==============>
She loves movies and will watch about anything (Sound Familiar?), but every once in a blue moon I see a movie that should not have been kept from me. She was always good about previewing them first, then introducing us to them, to which we would watch them repeatedly. So last night I made at least one grown man jealous, and surprisingly enough, it wasn't because I have gorgeous, bouncy hair. It was because I got to see Firefox for my very first time. It is one of those films that once you see it, you do always remember the first time, and each time after that, it's just not got that 'First Time' feel. The awe it inspired. The thoughts racing through my brain. I wish I had seen the film as a child. Maybe if I had, I would've gone to college. It's that life changing. All I was told was it was a film where Eastwood steals a Russian plane and flys it back to America. What I came to realize is the depth of the film is so much more. It's actually a brilliant espionage flick that, to our surprise, was Directed by Eastwood himself. So, the plane is called Firefox, or Mig31. It is the first of its kind. It can out maneuver any other plane or aircraft for that matter, cannot be seen on radar, and the helmet is hooked into a central computer and it reads the brainwaves for commands from its pilot. Brilliant concept for 1982. The first half of this surprising long 2 hour 16 minute movie is about getting Mitchell Gant (Eastwood) into Russia and keeping him safe. A lot of others that set out to help him made the ultimate sacrifice. Even after he seems to survive 3 identity changes and constantly verifying his papers to the KG-usedto-B, he is close to getting near the bird. Once he gets the plane off the ground, an entirely new movie starts. An action packed thrill ride where he really gets to know what the Firefox can do. The Ruskies are absolutely not going to let him retain possession of the new creation. They try and take it over, and if that doesn't work they plan on cutting their losses and just decide to blow the damn thing up. Unfortunately they have no idea what Mitchell is capable of behind the wheel. Does that phrase even make sense when talking about an aircraft. Wheel? Whatever. I loved this film and probably will watch it again in the next month or so. After all, I have 29 years worth of catching up to do. Thanks Mom, Love ya.

NBM rates Firefox - Phenomenal

Buy It!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so honored to have been paid such a great complement, "Mother" is after all my most treasured title. Gotta admit I am an old movie goer and always will be whether it be my living room or the actual theatre. although some movies should be seen only in a theatre, anyway I am honored, and as your mother I am going to make you the author on my
    Quote of the week---"I must admit to all of you that my love for movies is directly derived from my mother." thank you son....
