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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jackass 3

Being a semi-fan of what the Jackass guys represent, and having seen the other feature length films and most, if not all the TV episodes, I could not wait for the 3rd installment. I knew I would see it and enjoy it in all it's glory, but when Stephen King placed it in his Top 10 of 2010 list, I had to know why. Last night I found out why. Inside of 15 minutes I was laughing to tears, and it didn't stop there. I have never laughed so hard for so many consecutive minutes in my whole life. The bit were clever, with the occasional "filler" bit that is to be expected. Having seen the other two.5 films, this one rises head and shoulders above those with originality and disturbing visuals along with excellent ingenuity. Even now, 21 hours after we finished it, we are still talking about the bits and which ones made us laugh the hardest. It is hard to believe these adults would do this self imposed abuse on their bodies. I mean, my knees crack and pop just going up stairs. I don't need a buffalo to run me over, or a ram to ram me repeatedly. If A.P. could stay through the entirety with her "sympathetic puking disorder", and only leave the room a few times, anyone could make it. I will own it and LMAO again and again. One of my favorite gags is pictured above. It's also the only one I would ever consider doing. The jet stream scene is so classic when they toss a football in the flow and watch it disappear down the field instantly. Most scenes are hilarious, but there are 3 or 4 bits that are downright disgusting. If these 3 words don't get you thinking you need to see this, than I am not doing my job...."Lamborghini Tooth Pull."

NBM rates Jackass 3 - A Work of Art (I dare you to watch and disagree) **This dare goes out to Men only, Women would easily hate it and not be lying.

Buy It!!

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