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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spider-Man 3

So this may shock many of you, but Spidey is my least favorite Marvel character and my absolute least favorite franchise of films. Everybody loves them, but me, not so much. I don't know what it is, but when I began reading about the reboot I was relieved. I had always known I didn't like Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. He just seemed to puss-like to be a B.A. superhero. The first Spider-Man was only decent for an origin story. I mean, look at X-Men, IronMan, and now Thor. All of those are way better firsts than Spider-Man in my opinion. The 2nd one was better and the 3rd one was right in the middle of the first two. I liked the 3rd one, but I did feel there were too many characters. We have Peter Parker feeling good about himself after his meltdown in #2. Then he and MJ are really getting good with each other when a black goo infiltrates his motor scooter. This black "Venom" attaches itself to his suit and he becomes a bit hedonistic and self loving with a hint of defiance. He likes the attitude this new suit gives him, but in fact he turns into a combo prick / wuss I like to call prickipuss. When he finally figures out that this new attitude is not good for him, he is barely able to shake the parasitic thing. Apparently it is terrified of high pitch bells. Then an ex con gets radioactively sand blasted or something and becomes a sort of Sand Man. He calls himself Sandman. Clever. Way to think outside the box. When I saw the Sandman crumble to grains then sweep away in blu ray I was actually blown away. The detail was the best I have ever seen in any film. When Parker finally shakes the Venomous goop, it attaches itself to a much more willing host who Parker got fired from his photography career. Now Venom is played by Topher Grace, and though I recall the Venom/SpiderMan archrivalry as the best in almost any comic book, it doesn't really play out like I thought it should. He has to deal with Venom and Sandman, save MJ, gets some help from the once scorned Harry (Hobgoblin), shake a disease, and figure some personal stuff out. See, complicated. This is the first time in history I can recall a Multi Billion Dollar franchise getting a complete recast reboot that is unnecessary. Funny about that, I am actually all for it. Andrew Garfield as PP and the awesome Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, I really think it will be fantastic. As for Spider-Man 3....
NBM rates it - Awesome

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