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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blue Valentine

I'm sure you heard of this movie during award season. It's an indie that was up for all kinds of awards. Ryan Gosling (Love him) and Michelle Williams (Eh) are a married couple and this film follows the beginning of their relationship up until the end of it. Although it was not specified, my conclusion was the relationship lasted between 5 and 6 years. Not too long in the realm of "Forever". The film does a good job on how it's laid out. It starts present day and follows for a couple hours in the routine to get the audience's feet wet with what these people are about. Then it flashes back to before they met. It follows her and we quickly see the lack of self worth she is carrying with her. He, on the other hand, is super confident and the world is his oyster. He is a moving man and his attitude towards his job is phenomenal. He does it to the fullest of his ability without complaint. His attitude is really portrayed perfectly when he has to move an elderly man from his home to an assisted living facility. This scene shows his character brilliantly. He actually meets her in that facility while she hangs out with her grandmother. He wants to know her and won't be denied. She denies him, but he doesn't quit and they end up hanging out and really getting to know each other. The film goes back and forth in great fashion. What I love about this film and indie film in general is the footage we see that is utterly pointless. A lot of indie films feels like documentaries. The dialogue and inside jokes and comfy silences. That is life. As depressing as this was to watch, 50% of married people end in divorce, so there is a very real factor to this film. It goes back and forth from the great times to the worst times constantly. I enjoyed it, but it is not 90% happy and 10% sad. Its 50/50 throughout. When given the choice between "Cupid's Cove" and "The Future Room", I, like Gosling, would go Futuristic every time. It's hard to pick a side in this movie. Most of the time it is a cut and dry case. Him or her? It's that simple. Not here. We don't get the whole story. In fact we have to assume whatever the hell we want to. I have my opinions, but I will let you watch ot and form your own.

NBM rates Blue Valentine - Awesome

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