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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dodgeball : A True Underdog Story

Some days I really struggle trying to figure out what film to write about. Then other days it is easy, because maybe I've seen something recently that needs a review. Tonight was one of the harder nights, but before I was able to put too much thought into it, A-Bomb texts me "Tomorrow we are going to pecker slap those weinies from Globo Gym." And that settled it. It has to be Dodgeball. An absolute hilarious film about the world of competitive Dodgeball brought to you exclusively by ESPN 8, better known as "The Ocho". The story of big gym wants to take over little gym in all its glory. Globo Gym wants Average Joes to not only go away, but disappear for forever. Average Joe's is own and operated by slacker Peter Le Fleur (Vaughn) who run his ever failing gym, but refuses to give up. On the other end of the wealth/success ladder is former fattie turned super stud exercise guru White Goodman (Stiller). When Le Fleur turns down White's offer for a buy out, the war is on. Le Fleur is also being audited by the uber hot Katie Veatch (Taylor) who has no idea where to begin with Average Joe's. Her and White's dialogue are hilarious throughout. So now we have a Dodgeball tournament with a purse of a half a million dollars which will not only save Average Joe's from it's money troubles, but will stick it to White and Globo Gym. Because the "athletes" from Average Joe's are not all that athletic, they don't have much of a shot at winning the tourney. Old Patches O'Houlihan comes to train them. Old O'Houlihan is played by Rip "I broke into a bank that looked eerily similar to my own house strapped with my 9" Torn, while young Patches is played by Hank Azaria. He teaches them enough to get into the tourney through district play, but they have a long road ahead of them. Shenanigans ensue and this is one of the dumbest most quotable movies ever. "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood. Nobody!!!!" Brilliant. Needless to say, this is a comedy I have seen about 10 times and it is always enjoyable. With the "Davids" beat the "Goliaths" in this tall tale that single handedly launched a new realm of adult Dodgeball leagues all around the country? I'm not even joking. That just happened. And remember, if you wanna play the game, but aren't sure if you will be good or not, there is one simple rule to help you, "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."

NBM rates Dodgeball - Awesome

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