The Facebook

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


You gotta love indie, well I do. This is a good one. It gives us all we want. Good acting, uncomfortable scenes and a no frills delivery of set pieces. It just feels more real to the viewer. Like, that looks like my house, or I drive that car. This story follows John (John C. Reilly) at a time in his life that he is not proud of, no one would be. He gets caught visiting "fun town" by his ex wife who he also still works along side. She informs him she is getting remarried and wants him at the wedding. How could you not be invested after an opening scene like that? They also will not leave him alone until he agrees to go to a party with them to meet some new people. It turns into some very awkward conversations as he is less than suave with the ladies. Fortunately for him Molly (Tomei) shows up and finds him. She likes how he wears his heart an his sleeve and for the most part is utterly hopeless. They end up really hitting it off, then he meets Cyrus. He is her live at home son. They have a creepily close Mother/Son relationship. This sort of creeps John out but not enough to run away from this extremely hot single mother who his out of his league (looks wise anyway). Cyrus seems like a pretty good guy. A little possessive for mom, but not first. As John and Molly get more serious Cyrus, who is a 22 year old man, begins to go overboard to sabotage their relationship. He and John end up at each others throats which bothers John but pleases Cyrus. Its a great film with the great cast which also includes Katherine Keener as Johns ex wife, and Jonah Hill as Cyrus. It's classic John C. Reilly, but a bit of a different role for Jonah Hill. Either way it worked well.

NBM rates Cyrus - Awesome

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