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Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Best Friend's Wedding

I'll admit it. This is another one of my guilty pleasures in film. Maybe it's the memories I have of seeing it the first time, or maybe, just maybe it is because it is truly a great romantic comedy. I watched pretty much everything that came out when I was in High School - Riverdale Football RULES!!!! - and I admit that because I had a GF for a long spell, I watched some stuff many dudes my age didn't. I'm man enough to be comfortable in the fact that I can enjoy a film like this at 15 years old. When Julianne (Roberts) realizes she may have to carry out with an "agreement"  she made with her best friend Michael (Mulroney) some 10 years earlier. The terms? If both parties were still unmarried and unattached on their 28 birthdays, then they will marry each other. Michael calls her days before his B-day only to tell her he is getting married. It's the classic story of how women don't know what they want until they can't have what they didn't originally want and then they want that...whatever "that" may be...or something like that. She doesn't want to marry Michael even though she does love him. Her disdain for his future wife outweighs her own thoughts on marriage, and now she feels she must end their relationship within the 3 days leading to the nuptials. She is overwhelmed with the thoughts that she missed her window at happiness and will stop at nothing to succeed. The funny thing is, even if successful, once she has what she wants, she probably won't want it anymore. That is Julianne's mentality. Her other BF is a very gay man named George (Rupert Everett). Upon her many shortcomings on her plan, she calls in the big guns to see how Michael may feel about her. She fakes her own engagement with the uber gay George, which gives us one of the best sing alongs in cinema history. If you do not sing along, you just don't get it. She may succeed, but at what cost? She may lose the reason she does all of this, but she is too short sided to realize any of this. At times this film is as happy go lucky as possible, then it gets Real and dark. It has the perfect ending to a great movie and I am watching it right now. Pond Scum? Nope. Lower than that.

NBM rates My Best Friend's Wedding - Awesome

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done.

    "I say a little prayer for you..."
