The Facebook

Thursday, July 14, 2011


This is a fantastic independent film that everyone should see. Well, maybe not everyone. Definitely those who love Joseph Gordon Levitt (JGL) or independent films, or films about the seedy underground of the drug industry. Illegal drugs, not pharmaceutical drugs. That's not the real story though. The real story is of Brendan (JGL) trying to figure out what happened to his ex girlfriend. I know most people would not care about their ex, but because their relationship recently demised, and she had been acting strange before she broke up with him, he felt something was off. Apparently she had gotten into Brick-a new drug with a teenage demographic. When he finds her dead body near a sewage tunnel, he doesn't want to hand it over the police. He wants to know why she was killed. She had called him a couple days earlier in a bit of a panic and somewhat incoherent. He recalls some of the key words she used and from here he begins his investigation. He asks a lot of questions around his high school and some of the people do not like being asked about their business, hence his face pictured above. He must know why Emily is dead, and he also wants to make the one(s) responsible pay. It is a deeper revenge flick than most. Extremely smart also. Sometimes too smart. I have only seen it once, but would definitely like to watch it again. Brendan's drive is unlike that of most high schoolers, but his loner attitude probably helps out with that. When he really gets going, he finds out this goes so much deeper than he could have imagined. He gets further and further underground, and at this point he feels even his life may be at stake. Brilliant movie, perfect ending. Superb. 

NBM rates Brick - Phenomenal

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