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Friday, August 12, 2011

Hall Pass

I was skeptical about this comedy. I was worried it would be rubbish. The premise alone is horrible, but the execution and script were great. It follows two guys mostly. Rick (Wilson) and Fred (Sudeikis), and there buddies come along for the ride. Rick has been married 19 years and has 3 kids. Fred has been married a while also, but has no kids. These guys do nothing but harp on the fact that if they were not married, they would get so much tail it wouldn't even be funny. They constantly gawk at lovely women, right in front of their wives. The wives, played by Christina Applegate and Jenna Fischer are pretty good sports about, because they know their men aren't going anywhere. They feel the "Look, don't touch" policy has kept their men sane. When enough is enough, Maggie (Fischer) gives her hubby a "Hall Pass". A week without being married. She feels if he gets it out of his system, then they can move on. She does this under the impression that he is all talk, and to much of a pussy to do what he says. She takes the kids and leaves him alone for 7 days of bachelor freedom. When Fred hears of this he is flabbergasted. This is the greatest feat in marriage history as far as he is concerned. He presses his wife to give him the same and she denies him, until an event occurs that leaves her embarrassed. Now these boys have a week to do what they want and under the guidelines who they want. The wives are a little nervous, but take it in stride. The comedy begins when these forty year old men go looking for action at Applebees no less. Their buddies are all there to support them in every way, and chaos ensues. In my opinion, they did it all wrong. The odds of landing a 20 year old is about 1%, but the odds of hitting up an older lady, say 45, increases your odds to 50%, maybe even higher. I'm sure you can all guess the life lesson we are to learn while watching these two inept people try and relive the glory days, but with sharp wit, classic jokes, and brilliant visuals, we are left with a really solid movie. It also has one of these funniest scenes of all time involving the male genitalia. You will not be disgusted...maybe a little jealous at first, but then with the punchline to this particular scene comes, you will end up feeling better about yourself than when the scene began. It is a Farrelly Brothers return to triumph, and I will never forget these two new terms I heard in this film. Faux Job and Fake Chow. You will laugh and laugh at this movie, and you will repeat the things you saw and heard throughout it.

NBM rates Hall Pass - Awesome

**Be sure to read down the page for a Movie face off.**

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