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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rabbit Hole

This is the single most depressing film I have ever seen. Sure, with the cast you know it has to be good, which from that aspect it was. The content, however, is hard to bare if you have kid(s), want kids, or have a soul and or a pulse for that matter. I can think of only one reason to watch this film. If you feel like crying. That's it. 
     I wrote the first paragraph only after watching half of the film, but like a train wreck, I could not look away. I had to finish it. I had to see if Becca (Kidman) would be alright. I had to see how long Howie (Eckhart) could deal with being alone emotionally and physically. These two people both experienced the same loss but coping mechanisms are different with all people. And lastly I had to know why she was stalking the boy pictured above. Did he remind her of her son? Did she feel a strange connection with this young man? I had to know, and the information I am not going to tell you, would break your heart. The scene pictured is one of the most gripping scenes I can remember in recent history. The pain these two have seems almost insurmountable. I also want to point out that my rating system does not apply to this film. I cannot, in good conscience, rate this film AWESOME, or PHENOMENAL. it just needs an overall rating with no catchy words attached. The content is just too heavy for any of my adjectives.

NBM rates Rabbit Hole - 4 out of 5 stars

NBM rates Rabbit Hole

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