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Thursday, May 15, 2014


This may be one the most accurate portrayals of what it is like for new parents to transition in to their new adulthood and leave behind their youth. Neighbors is sort of a coming of age film. Instead of adolescents into adulthood, it is more like adulthood into parenthood. This is more of a subplot than what the film is really about. It is about having shit-ass neighbors. Adults buy homes in nice neighborhood because they are done with the college, party scene. Having a fraternity rent the house next door would be an absolute nightmare. Now throw a baby into the mix, and that is grounds for World War 3, which is basically the premise of this film. At only 96 minutes, it is quick to the point, but doesn't fail to payoff. The trailer actually does this film justice. It makes you want to see it because it is chock full of jokes, but there is so much more content available than what we have seen already. I knew I liked Zac Efron (probably because he doesn't seem like a douche in real life), but now I like him unapologetically for playing a douche so well on screen. As for Rogen, well, he is Rogen. Same guy, new movie. Not that that's a bad thing, but we know what we are gonna get, and this role suits him. The junior Franco is getting better with every role, and I like that he is inching his way up the ladder into leading role status with every film. It won't be long till he is top billed in a film of his own. The fraternity to me was an afterthought. I was more interested and intrigued by how the married people would handle the situations. They did not disappoint. It seems like the writers finally got early thirty married people right. We are not that different than we were before had kids. We just have less time to do stuff. Same people, no time. Mac (Rogen) and Kelly (Rose Byrne) want to be apart of life still, but are struggling, so when a frat moves in, they do not want to be the uncool, old people. When Mac has had enough, he makes a vital error. He calls the police. From here on out, hilarity ensues. Not only from the frat, but to watch the responsible adults go to such lengths to shut them down is just awesome. There are very few emotionally heavy moments in this comedy, but the couple that are present are necessary to make the film complete. It is a complete film and we enjoyed it immensely.

NBM rates Neighbors - Phenomenal 

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