I had no problem going to see The Vow for a few reasons. My wife wanted to see it, and I love movies. Plus Rachel McAdams!! Until recently Channing Tatum would not have mattered, but I have grown a profound respect for the actor who is gonna be the face of cinema for 2012. Every time I see him act, I like him more. He has range, and I'll admit every time I see the trailer for 21 Jump Street I wanna see it more and more. Back to The Vow. I knew a little about it, while at the same time, I knew everything about it. Two very attractive married people have a car wreck and she no longer remembers him. There, now you know the basic plot. Where will it go from here is the real question. It does a great job of flowing. The opening scene is a rather impressive car accident, and then from here our pretty couple are in the hospital. He's banged up, she's in a coma and then we get a very interesting narrative that will be called back to every 20 minutes or so. I was only 20 minutes into the film when it was very easy to see how good of a film this was going to be. All they had to do is execute the plan the writers had drawn out. They did exactly that. I still don't know why critics crap all over romance films? All films of that genre I automatically compare to The Notebook. This one is no different. Chemistry. I always talk of chemistry between the actors and Tatum and McAdam's have great chemistry. They must be madly in love and then strangers in the blink of an eye, and they pull it off wonderfully. Leo (Tatum) and Paige (McAdams) have known each other for 4 years and have been happily married for an unknown length of time when she is taken from him. Anyone who has been in Love, Married or not, can have a deep sympathy with this film. These two go from being as happy as humanly possible to never having existed (in her mind anyway) and Leo does not know if he will get her back. The worst part is she doesn't have amnesia. She just doesn't remember the last 5 years. She still thinks she is engaged to someone else. Her parents, played brilliantly by Sam Neill and Jessica Lange, step in to save the day, though this is not what Leo wants, Paige just wants to be with the people she does know. As wonderful as Tatum is, McAdams is the true winner in her performance. She has to be Jekyll and Hyde and she does is so effortlessly. If you have ever been in love or loved anything for that fact, then The Vow will strike a chord with you. I enjoyed it immensely and was anxiously awaiting the final outcome. Would Paige fall into her old life and disregard her marriage to Leo or would she go out on a limb and believe this stranger and his stories of their epic love? What a fantastic film for Valentine's Day, that above all else, will help you to realize something as precious as True Love should never be taken for granted.
...And for the ladies, I present RATINGS...I mean Channing Tatum
NBM rates The Vow - Phenomenal