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Monday, October 31, 2011


Who ya gonna call? Happy Halloween everyone, hope you all have a fun night. I just watched Ghostbusters for the first time in more than 15 years, and I either forgot or just flat out did not realize how brilliant it is. I could not help but to kick myself at all the years I have missed out on Dr. Venkman's sarcastic, mostly pompous attitude, or Ray and his naive child like excitement and behavior for the unknown. Then level headed Egon Spangler, who always knows what to do, but usually doesn't tell anyone else. What a great cast of characters, and though Rick Moranis only had a small part as the annoying neighbor/ key master he is fantastic. I don't plan on spoiling anything for any of you as I'm sure you have all seen this film. It is 27 years old, and highly regarded in the comedic community. The three scientists have all lost their jobs at the university for unapproved test methods, so what to do next? Paranormal bounty hunters - for hire. They have put all their eggs in this basket, and it looks grim. Then she shows up. Dana (Weaver) to hire the boys out for a job involving her penthouse. She claims her fridge is possessed by some other world, guarded by vicious dogs, and the name Zuul comes up. Though Venkman (Murray) thinks to himself that she is nuts, he also knows she is hot, and he wants a date. He goes to her apartment and finds nothing, but the load of BS her dishes to her is brilliant. Venkman makes the film. He is the least experienced and the biggest jack ass of the trio. He can sell it anyway he wants to, and people eat it up. Egon (Ramis) and Ray (Aykroyd) are the brains behind the science of ghost capture, and after a few jobs, the Ghostbusters are becoming famous. The film is called Ghostbusters and that is what they do, but essentially we see them only bust one ghost - Slimer. Other than that it is all about Dana and Zuul. What does it mean, and what do we do? Zuul is the gatekeeper for the all powerful Gozer to return to Earth. Zuul possesses Dana and it gets pretty hot -especially for Venkman. Moranis gets possessed by the keymaster and once they are together, Gozer will reign down in Biblical proportions. Cats and Dogs livin together type of stuff. The Ghostbusters must stop this catastrophic event from happening, but before they can Ray uses his brain one too many times, and then we get the greatest / worst / funniest written villain of all time. The Stay Puft marshmallow man. Only he is 50 feet tall and really pissed off. There is not a lot to this film in terms of plot, but the jokes are outstanding, the acting is even better, and still 27 years later Ghostbusters is revered as one of the greats. Written by Aykroyd and Ramis, I commend you. Rumors of a 3rd installment have been on the horizon for some time now with no definite answer. The latest in the rumor mill was that Bill Murray would only do it if he could be a ghost. I dig that. Now Aykroyd and Ramis are saying GB3 will be made with or without Murray. I guess they got tired of his holier than thou attitude. I think he has the right for said attitude as he is the only one still doing quality work. 

NBM rates Ghostbusters - Phenomenal

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