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Thursday, October 27, 2011

STOP APOLOGIZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am beyond sick and tired of people not standing behind their work. It has been 3 years already. For the love of God, shut up. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull may be the most ridiculous movie title of all time, but the film itself kicks ass. All kinds of ass. I once heard that the formula that makes a movie great is having at least 3 great scenes and no bad ones. In my opinion this is a great film. Sure, the final scene is a little far fetched, but so is pulling out a man's heart through his chest while he still breathes. Hmm, sound familiar?  What about a bunch of Nazi soldiers melting for looking directly at a golden box said to have held the 10 commandments? My point? These films are ridiculous, which is why we love them. They are works of fiction in the highest degree. The fourth installment was a great work of the same fiction for an hour an half, then it added the dreaded adjective "Science" to the beginning of that fiction. Was it perfect? No, but then again it is hard to make a Perfect film. A couple of scenes I would have cut would have been the Tarzan act with the monkeys, and maybe cut the sword fight down by a couple of minutes, but other than that, it is pretty darn good. This is the film(s) we grew up with, we just happen to be 20 years older, and for some reason most of you have lost your inner Indy. I, on the other hand, try and watch the newest Indy as much as possible, just to appreciate it. You can read Spielberg's Comments Here, and Shia's Here. As for me, you all know where I stand. I'm a fan and a purist, but I appreciate the new projects in certain franchises, especially when they are helmed by all original members.  I cannot wait for Henry Jones Jr. to travel to the Bermuda Triangle for a rumored 5th installment. Once again I will be there opening day to watch it in the glorious 35mm format. Thanks Spielberg - TO HELL WITH DIGITAL!! Speaking of Digital, during the viewing of Machine Gun Preacher, the film paused. No lie. For several minutes the screen held a crystal clear image of Gerard Butler. Digital. Pfffft.

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