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Friday, May 17, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness

Let's put it this way. As if I wasn't already stoked for SW: Episode 7 (Strange opener, I know) with JJ at the helm, now I feel I must seclude my life to living in a bubble so as not to die prematurely before it arrives. Trek to me is an awesome precursor into our future of the "other" Sci Fi series JJ will take over. It gives us a very good peak into what this man can do with an epic scale of space and time proportions. I know to you "Trekkies" I have just blastphemed on high, but I don't care. I am not the one who hired JJ to cross into a galaxy far far away, so I feel I can mention the 2 movies in the same paragraph. Let me also say this. Into Darkness is no Iron Man 3. I actually liked it better. Maybe it's the fact I am not as versed in Trek's theology, or maybe it is because we have had a steady dose of Marvel for years now, but had to wait 4 LONG years on this sequel. Either way, Into Darkness starts off strong and with a run time right at 2 hours, it never really slows down. It is intense, dramatic, nail biting inducing, and quite comedic. I went in knowing I would enjoy it, but not really knowing the premise, or the villain it felt like a brand new thing in my life that has been missing.  It is smart, well thought out, and visually stimulating. 
The film may be one of the best I have seen to combine this smart of a plot, perfectly placed comedic one liners, and action parallel with anything Marvel puts out. Now I know I am comparing this film to other franchises, but I want you all to understand how worthy of your time it is. To me, Trek has always been sub par with everything else I loved. Now, it is turning into a series I can get behind. Spock and Kirk have their great chemistry once again, but Benedict Cumberbatch steals the show as the villain, John Harrison. He aims to turn the star fleet on it's ear, and does a pretty good job at it, but his plans are way bigger and at this point in the film, it gets very fun and interesting. It twists and turns, but it very fluid in it's delivery. As good as the first one? Absolutely. I believe I like this one a little better. It's just so AWESOME. Along with the fantastic leads in the film, stand out performances are delivered by the brilliant Simon Pegg as Scotty, Karl Urban as Bones, and Zoe Saldana as Uhura. I cannot think of any part of this film that I didn't enjoy. JJ even did a good job of not throwing promiscuous 3D shots in the film that would have no bearing on the non 3D viewer. I saw a couple but they were not exaggerated, and they were quick. If you liked the first one, you will like this one. If this looks good to you, go watch it. It is all around outstanding.

NBM rates Star Trek Into Darkness - Phenomenal

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the best movies I've ever seen!
    I was hyperventilating by the end of this movie! I didn't read any reviews or synopsis of it so I had no idea the plot or who the characters were. Every time there was a reference to a future episode/movie I about lost it! lol
    Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Captain Pike appear on one of the first episodes of the show in a floating wheelchair and all burn scarred? This is no deal breaker for me but still..... :)
    I can only assume that the next installment is going to be a remake of The Wrath of Kahn. AWESOME!
    631 Woodland St. :D
