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Friday, March 2, 2012

127 Hours

How could someone make a film about a guy being pinned by a boulder in a canyon? I could understand if we see this guy live his life, and then near the end he gets trapped, but the fact that he is trapped before the opening credits made me wonder where the next 90 minutes would lead. Much like Buried, 127 hours takes place mostly in one place, and with a few delusions and flashbacks, it's all about one man's psyche and how he will endure with no food, little water, and no possibility of being rescued. Oh yeah, and it's a true story. I wonder if this was fiction and we didn't know Aron Ralston (James Franco) if anyone would have enjoyed it. It is such a great story of survival and Franco deserved his Oscar Nomination for his portrayal. There isn't  much to be said about this, but I will say this. Of all of his Video he shot while stuck, I truly wish it does exist. Some pretty trippy stuff. I'm sure most of it was just Hollywoodized dialog for a longer run time, but if Aron was really going insane, I think that is interesting. He really used the 5.3 days he was stuck to reflect on the life he had lived. The people he had failed. And what he would do if he didn't die. What an intense film. And SPOILER ALERT: the self amputation is pretty awesome or gruesome, depending on how you feel about self amputation. I don't know how I can even justify my next sentence so I won't. The Direction is BRILLIANT. How do you direct a movie in a space of 6 cubic feet with no scenery change? I don't know, but this director did, and if I ever write a film about a contortionist who gets stuck in his/her tiny clear cube for at least an hour, I will call him.

NBM rates 127 Hours - Phenomenal

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