First off I am flabbergasted, that's right FLABBERGASTED! This outstanding comedy was rated rotten with only 52% on RT.
It's a story that follows Lynn (Clooney) and a reporter named Bob (McGregor), who is thrust into self imposed mission in Iraq. There he learns of an Army based program called New Earth, where soldiers are trained to be "Jedi's", using there mind powers to control situations. It's a geniusly clever film with an awesome supporting cast including Jeff Bridges, Kevin Spacey, Stephen Lang, and Goat. It's very Coen Brothers-ish, but possibly even more clever. Lynn was the best soldier the program ever had, but he got burnt out after he was made to do certain things. Bob decides he wants to do something with his life before he dies. What happens is not what he had in mind. Almost dying numerous times while on his "mission" to enhance his crappy life, he begins to doubt his very existence. When they decide to help each other, they form a very strange friendship. Though Lynn seems out of his gourd most of the time, Bob seems to be very little interested in departing from him. They wander the desert together finding themselves in bad situations. It winds down very quickly with a funny LCD tripping scene. The movie re-affirms why I love Clooney and everything he is attached to. He is a man among boys when it comes to the acting community. Serious or comedy. Producer ("Welcome to Collinwood", anyone?), or actor. He is awesome in every facet, and this is just another example of how easy it is for him. Knew I'd like, and of course, I was correct.
NBM rates The Men Who Stare at Goats - Awesome-nomenal
I need to watch it again with less interruption to figure out which way the scales should tip.
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