On the verge of another great Coen Brothers film being released, I felt I oughtta watch the original, which I had never seen. All I've been hearing about the new True Grit is, "it's not the Duke". I respond, "Nope, it's The Dude." A-Bomb and I watched this film last night as I like to watch originals, before remakes are released. I also like to watch prequels before seeing the sequels. True Grit (1969) is a brilliant movie. Not long into it I realized it was just as much comedy as it was drama. Rooster Cogburn (Wayne), is a drunkard US Marshall who is well known for bringing perps to justice. Usually his justice, but nonetheless, he is good at what he does. John Wayne has a great no nonsense delivery of his lines and actions. It was fun to watch him work knowing he won his only Oscar for the role. When Frank Ross is murdered by his employee Tom Chaney, Frank's daughter Maddie Ross is not going to be denied justice. She personally hires Rooster to hunt down Chaney so she can kill him. Rooster wants nothing of it, but the money is right and according to sources, Ned Pepper (Robert Duvall) who got away from Rooster the last time they encountered has been seen with Chaney and that's all the convincing he needs to take the case. As good as John Wayne is in this film, I really believe the acting by Kim Darby, who plays Maddie Ross, is spot on and at times hilarious. A Texas Ranger by the name LaBeouf (Pronounced La Beef, translated- La meaning The, and Beouf meaning Beef) makes everything a bit more complex. He has been hired by the Governor of Texas to bring Chaney back there alive to be tried for the murder of a Senator and his dog. Maddie will not hear of it. She wants him hanged in Fort Smith where he killed her father. Rooster doesn't care where he goes until LaBeouf tells him of the bounty he would earn for the transport to Texas. Maddie is a spark plug firecracker of a 14 year old. She is quite entertaining, but John Wayne's portrayal of the drunkard Marshall with a chip on his shoulder is legendary. The Coen Brothers will not ruin this great film by redoing it. According to all the trailers I have seen, and cross comparing it with what I watched last night, it appears to be a word for word remake. I picked out at least 6 dialogue lines that I have seen in the trailer of the new one. That's a lot considering we are talking about 2:30 minutes. I am looking forward to the Dude abiding as Rooster and to see if Matt Damon is as big a prick as his predecessor Glen Campbell in the role of LaBeouf. Also keep an eye out for a very young Dennis Hopper. He is not there very long, so pay attention.I know Bridges will do it justice as I feel he may be the best working actor in Hollywood today. With 77 film under his belt, 5 Oscar Noms and his first win last year, I would love to see him win back to back Oscars which I don't think has ever been done. Not only that, but has the Oscar been handed to two different actors for playing the same role? Interesting. I doubt it. One way I feel the Coen's are already tributing the original is that Bridges wears hisa eyepatch on the opposite eye. I noticed that immediately. I think it's out of respect for another's brilliant work. Just my opinion. I very much plan on seeing this in the theater and I will let you know how awesome it is.
Best Actor has been awarded back to back twice in Oscar history, most recently Tom Hanks for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump. Sadly, he didn't win for Bachelor Party or Splash. Best Actress back to back has happened twice, and supporting actor back to back has happened once.
Best Actor has been awarded back to back twice in Oscar history, most recently Tom Hanks for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump. Sadly, he didn't win for Bachelor Party or Splash. Best Actress back to back has happened twice, and supporting actor back to back has happened once.
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