I'm not gonna lie to you. Primer was probably one of the most cerebral films I have ever seen. (That means it took a lot of thought process to process what was being seen.) This will be the shortest review I have done, because as brilliant as it is, it speaks for itself. In short, these four genius programmers have built some error checking programs that would ultimately help them quit their 9-5 jobs. When two of the guys play the "what if" game, they kind of accidentally invent time travel. It was written and directed by David Carruth, who also plays the title character, Aaron. Aaron and his best friend, Abe, decide to implement their new theories and surprisingly, it works. With their new found time, 6 extra hours per day to be exact, they soon realize the implications of what could, and may happen. They know they are the only one's who could be trusted with the new technology, but can they trust each other, or themselves for that fact? They come up with a list of rules that must be followed to the T. They soon realize how taxing this new adventure has become. Sure, in theory, it would be awesome to have more time in a day, but that responsibility? Mankind cannot handle it, and this film really shows that. It is a genius piece of writing, with great acting and no frills. Frills would only distract us from thinking about what we were watching. Ultimately, they decide, it may have been a bad idea. It is a fantastic movie, which I do not own, Yet... I may use my own link to buy a copy at the bottom of this very post. I wish I had the chart pictured above to help guide me through this film the first time I watched it. You now have an advantage thanks to me. Your Welcome.
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