Kick Ass

Kick ass did exactly that, it Kicked Ass! It was everything it needed to be. Funny, violent, witty, super violent, and one hell of a potty mouth on a 12 year old girl. I went to see Kick Ass the weekend it came out back in April with 3 buddies. When it was over, I was the only one who really enjoyed it. I don't know why that is. Maybe they expected more, or something different altogether. One guy, we'll call J, actually said "I can't believe I wasted my time with that, I would have rather hung out with my cats." I didn't get what he was talking about. I Thoroughly enjoyed it. The other two guys weren't that harsh, but still no excitement. Over the next couple of weeks, I continued to talk about it with one of my buddies trying to get him to come around to my perspective. He finally said, "Maybe I need to watch it again." Victory is mine. This was Nic Cage's best role since Face/Off and yet, I don't think it revamped his career like "The Wrestler" did for Mickey Rourke. (Weird how that works). The action sequences were shot brilliantly, from the slow-mo, to the first person gamer aspect, and the night vision, fuhgetaboutit. First class all the way. Hit girl stole the movie with her foul mouthed one liners and super violent choreographed killing scenes. To be only 11 or 12, she was extraordinary. If they sequeled it, I would go. I hope you go out and rent it today. I feel you won't regret it.
Kick Ass get a NBM rating of - Awesome
Buy a copy now
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